Dream CNC Bioblitz Participant is…

Hi all, in response to the question posted yesterday,”What would be the dream participant”. I appreciate getting some feedback from the group, I was beginning to wonder if anyone was seeing my occasional post.
A Bioblitz is, by definition, is simply a blitz of making many biological observations within a prescribed period. It means to document the organisms you see around you, and not just the things you’ve never seen before.
Every time I go out iNatting, I try to find as many different organisms as possible, as well as trying to take photos of structural details of the organism that will make it identifiable. I think we all do that to a certain extent, whenever we go out on walks, cycling, kayaking, etc.
The dream participant would:

  1. Find as many different wild organisms as possible, across all Kingdoms of organisms from fungi to plants, insects, birds, mammals, herbs, fish, mollusks, etc. Wild means not planted or raised by humans. In your own back yard is fine as long as it got there all by itself!
  2. Go explore many different habitats, from terrestrial to fresh water to sea shore, and the micro habitats with these. We have numerous counties in our challenge, so go explore these, not just in your home county. I’m making a list of sites for myself to explore, so that I’m ready to roll right away and not guessing the morning of.
  3. Take at least 3-4 photos of each organisms, each photo in focus, and from different angles to show different features and patterns of color. Optimal photos needed depends on the organism. Practice doing bulk uploads of your photos, if you are familiar with that. I’ve written up instructions if you need this.
  4. Finally, strive to obtain species level identifications to Research Grade status, by not only obtaining that level on your own observations, but also go through all the Blitz Observations and review those still needing to reach research grade. Research Grade of wild organisms only is what counts in the final numbers of the CNC.

Happy iNatting my friends!

Publicado el 17 de abril de 2023 por ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


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