A Citizen Scientist Workshop for GW Fungi

Sigrid and I are discussing holding an informal workshop in GW on Thursday or Friday in late afternoon this week. Last week's flush of fungi in response to all the rain was inspiring. Now is a good time to gather, discuss data collection techniques, point out the areas to pay attention to, and actually find and talk about some of the more common species that are so fine to identify but are not the focus of our project at this point.

Message me (pcpalmer3) or Sigrid (sigridjakob) if you would be interested in attending later this week. We will be monitoring weather and the state of fungi (very volatile at this time of year, with the heat) and provide details.

Publicado el 25 de julio de 2023 por pcpalmer3 pcpalmer3


Hi! I'm pretty new to the app and wanted to message you but I'm not sure I'm able to yet. I would love to attend on Friday if possible!

Publicado por marenprophit hace alrededor de 1 año

I won't be able to attend but would love to know what areas in GW to pay attention to and anything else worthwhile you are able to share virtually. @pcpalmer3 @sigridjakob

Publicado por mizizzle hace alrededor de 1 año

@marenprophit We can teach you. Bring your smartphone and download the app. See you Saturday!

Publicado por sigridjakob hace alrededor de 1 año

@mizizzle Do you have the document on documenting summer and fall fungi in GW? https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1m_LvPG0yXIXrMJDijrgdDfyECsaA6U7qs2DwKInQjig/edit#slide=id.p

There are definitely hotspots for fungi. The easiest way to see them is to search for fungi on iNaturalist and then zoom in really tightly onto Green-Wood, almost as far as it will let you zoom. There are a few areas that are just bursting with pink dots and many other areas with just a few.

Publicado por sigridjakob hace alrededor de 1 año

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