Philoliche (Phara) tumidifacies Austen, 1937 - Identification

Length 21 mm; length of visible proboscis 13 mm.
Black, with face and third segment of antennae ochraceous-tawny; dorsum of main portion of thorax (scutum) fringed laterally and posteriorly with yellow hair, and similar but longer hair on pleurae; middle region of face (cf. text-fig. 10) strongly swollen and prominent, forming a blunt cone; proboscis elongate, longer than abdomen; wings ochraceous-orange on proximal half, elsewhere sepia-coloured; femora cinnamon-brown, front and middle tibiae cinnamon-buff, hind tibiae and all tarsi ochraceous-tawny.

Original description by Austen:
Austen, E.E. 1937. New genera and species of Ethiopian Tabanidae, subfamily Pangoniinae (Diptera). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (C) 107.


Type locality: Willowmore.

iNat observations:

This fly is (perhaps the only) pollinator of a Butterbush (Tylecodon cacalioides) in the Little Karoo.

Publicado el 28 de julio de 2023 por traianbertau traianbertau


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