Philoliche (Ommatiosteres) lateralis Fabricius, 1805 - Identification

Female head with vestigial tubercle at the vertex but without ocelli.
Thorax dark brown pollinose with often distinct grey sublateral stripes, but without median stripe, rather sparsely yellow-brown and black haired.
Base of wing and postalar callus with whitish tufts. Scutellum grey-brown pollinose with yellow-brown hairs.
Legs entirely orange with mixed black and yellow hairs.
Wings uniformly light brown tinted with first posterior cell r5 usually narrowed and occasionally closed at margin. R4 with long appendix.
Abdomen with distinctive colour pattern of two white bands. First segment medially black-brown; sometimes bordering this is a fairly narrow grey pollinose area; laterally orange. Tergite 2 with large median black-brown spot, covering just under half the width of the tergite; laterally orange; hind-margin white, expanded into median triangle. Tergite 3 black-brown, hind-margin yellow-brown. Tergite 4 similar but with white hindmargin. Rest of tergites black-brown with white tufts of hair on hind corners.

Description by Wiedemann (Pangonia bifasciata):

Detailled description by Chainey:
Chainey, J.E. 1983. Afrotropical Tabanidae (Diptera): The genus Philoliche Wiedemann, subgenus Ommatiosteres Enderlein. Annals of the Natal Museum 25 (2)

A common species in the Cape.

iNat observations:

Publicado el 29 de julio de 2023 por traianbertau traianbertau


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Publicado por tonyrebelo hace alrededor de 1 año

Thanks @tonyrebelo, I do put up links only for observations I have reviewed and where I am certain of correct identification.
Maybe I should include one (or two for male and female) iNat photo together with the link in order to facilitate quick identification. Do I have to ask permission from the observer for this or can I use the photo on an iNat journal post without checking copyright? What do you think?

Like this:

Publicado por traianbertau hace alrededor de 1 año

Always check copyright on the photo (not the observation). For my observations/photos you are always welcome anytime.
For others, it is polite to ask the first time (and ask for general use, and provide a link to your project). But if they are strictly copyright (and often watermarked) then you do need "written" permission for every photo.

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace alrededor de 1 año

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