Philoliche (Dorcaloemus) auricoma Austen, 1911 - Identification

Head yellowish- or whitish-grey, with dark markings; thorax, including scutellum, olive-brown, greyish pollinose. Abdomen black, fourth, fifth and sixth segments and also hind borders of second and third clothed with short, oppressed, shining, orange hair; dorsum of second and third segments, except sides, or at least posterior angles, and hind borders, clothed with minute black hairs.
Wings light mummy-brown, the colour usually more intense next the veins, costal cells and stigma ochraceous; wing cell m3 closed at margin.

Original description by Austen:
Austen, Ernest E. (1910). On Tabanidæ collected in North-Eastern Rhodesia and Katanga, Congo Free State, By Dr. S. and Mr. S. A. Neave, with Descriptions of new species. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1(4), 275–. doi:10.1017/s0007485300044047

Illustration in Austen 1910:

This species is known from DR Congo, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and South Africa (Mkuze).

iNat observations:

Publicado el 04 de agosto de 2023 por traianbertau traianbertau


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