Popup Excursion today (8/19) 3PM -- Lepista tarda

I'm going to head out this afternoon (8/19) and see if I can find the Lepista tarda that Sigrid recorded yesterday (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/179039262). I've never found one! It is a fine day and the rains have brought in a new flush of fungi.

I'll be at the PPW entrance at 3PM if anyone wants to join me.


Publicado el 19 de agosto de 2023 por pcpalmer3 pcpalmer3


It’s a whole fairy ring of them!

Publicado por sigridjakob hace alrededor de 1 año

We found them and they are splendid. We saw another fairy ring of Green Parasols (Chlorophyllum molybdites) close by. Lots of Russulas, Amanitas, and boletes throughout.

Publicado por pcpalmer3 hace alrededor de 1 año

Oh yay!

Publicado por sigridjakob hace alrededor de 1 año

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