Chrysolina (Chersomela) polyops (Vogel, 1870)

Oval, body and head black-blueish, shiny; elytra testaceous-red with 9 (3 3 2 1) round eye-spots (luteous-yellow, more or less brown-bordered; the outer spots of the second row are confluent double spots). Antennal base testaceous. Length 6.6-7.5 mm.

Original description Vogel 1870:

Key (page 317) and figure 129 in:
Bieńkowski, A. (2021) Book preview/manuscript. Chrysolina of the World. Taxonomic Review. 5a. Review Allochrysolina-Chrysocrosita.

iNat observation:

Publicado el 22 de enero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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