Trichoplus cordicollis Waterhouse 1881

This species has been the subject of several debates and misidentifications on iNat (and formerly on iSpot).
The basis of this (mis)identification discussions was G. Goergen's comments quoted in a report on the archeological excavations of a graveyard in the Free State and a likely misidentification of a beetle (photos provided) from the same report.
Georgen's comment is questionable in two respects: The information on distribution ("Except for T. vicinus Péringuey, which occurs too in Rhodesia, all described species are confined to South Africa.") is incomplete/wrong. Several species have been recorded from Botswana or Namibia, as well, amongst these is T. cordicollis. Also, Goergen's assumption, that Trichoplus cordicollis has carinae on the frons ("It appears, so far I know, to be the only species that bears carinae on the frons") is neither supported by the first description of the species nor by subsequent descriptions by other authors. The beetle pictured in the report is most likely T. schaumii, certainly not T. cordicollis.

Identification of T. cordicollis
There are three very similar species with cordiform prothorax with somewhat crater-like depression and elytrae with one carina: T. cordicollis, T. spectabilis and T. schaumii. The easiest way to tell them apart is looking at the shape and sculpture of this prothoracic cavity (most iNat photos show the dorsal aspect).
T schaumii: excavation very deep, orbicular, with sharply emarginate walls; the sculpture of the excavation strigillate on the anterior part, punctate on the posterior part.
T. spectabilis: anterior part of the excavation striolate, centre of the lowest part of the excavation smooth longitudinally.
T. cordicollis: prothoracic excavation only moderately deep, less orbicular, more quadrate, sculpture punctate.

Original description in:
Waterhouse, Charles O. (1881). XXXI.— Description of a new species of the genus Trichoplus (Coleoptera, Cremastochilidae). Journal of Natural History Series 5, 8(46), 319–319. doi:10.1080/00222938109487461

More detailled and comparative description in:
Péringuey, L. (1907) Descriptive catalogue of the coleoptera of South Africa (Lucanidæ and Scarabæidæ). Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, v. 13
Species description:

Illustrated in:
Westwood, J. O. (John Obadiah). 1883. Descriptions of some new exotic Coleoptera. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Vol 26. Pages: 61-78
Plate 3:

Distribution records:
Zululand/KZN (Waterhouse); Pretoria/Gauteng & Mashishing 'Lydenburg'/Mpumalanga (Péringuey); Maun/Botswana & Gemsbok Pan/Ghanzi district, Botswana; together with Anacantholepis=Plagiolepis ants (Van Son).

Taxonomic remarks:

Publicado el 25 de enero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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