Chlaenius simplex Wiedemann 1821

Original description in:
Wiedemann, C.R.W. & Germar, E.F. Neue exotische Käfer. -. Magazin der Entomologie, 4

Translated from Latin & German:
Thorax coppery, elytra green-bronze, furrowed, antennae and legs ferrugineous-red.
Head and pronotum greenish metallic with copper-reddish sheen, pronotum square, wider than long; with scattered rather coarse punctures and two strong longitudinal impressions in front of the base.
Elytra distinctly furrowed, and extremely finely punctured, with small, almost imperceptible grey pubescence. Body black, legs rich ferrugineous.

Type locality: Cape of Good Hope

iNat observation:

Publicado el 27 de enero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


"Type locality: Cape of Good Hope" of 1821 may quite literally be anywhere in southern Africa, and certainly anywhere in the three modern Cape provinces. Then again, the movements of Wiedemann & Germar are known to a fair extent.

Publicado por beetledude hace 8 meses

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