Santosia bidentula (Germar 1837)

Original description (Ectrychotes bidentulus) in:
Germar, E. F. 1837. Hemiptera Heteroptera Promontorii Bonae Spei, nundum descripta, quae collegit C. F. Drege. Silbermann's Revue Entomologique 5.
Translated from Latin:
Thorax impressed crosswise, black, with sanguineous-red markings, antennae and legs black, scutellum bidentate at the tip.
Head with antennae black, neck sanguineous-red. Thorax coross-wise impressed, above sanguineous-red, with four black spots, underneath black, coxae with sanguineous-red markings. Scutellum impressed in the middle, black, with a raised lateral margin, and two red apical teeth. Corium black, with red basal spot and red markings before the apex. Abdomen red, edge of abdomen [connexivum] with black markings, abdomen below with a black lateral band. Legs black, coxae and tarsi ferrugineous.

Redescription in:
Stål, C. 1865. Hemiptera Africana, vol 3.
Translated from Latin:
Male: Coral-red. The antennae, the head (the basal and lower parts excepted) the rostrum, the four large thoracic spots, the base of the scutellum, the hemelytra, the thorax underneath (except the acetabula [= apertures in the thorax that hold the legs]), transverse marginal spots on the abdomen [connexivum], the apical margins of the ventral segments, the anus and the legs are black. The base of the corium and the bands in the middle are coral-red.
Length 12 mm.

Photo of type (BMNH):

iNat observations:

Publicado el 29 de enero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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