Griphissus xenocles Fennah 1967

A hairy brachypterous caliscelid hopper with horn-like antennae (pedicel with long acuminate process, twice as long as basal part of pedicel). Head, pronotum and mesonotum with long sparse setae. Tegmina brachypterous, scarcely covering fourth abdominal tergite, quadrate, costal margin straight, apical margin longer than costal margin, apical angle rectangulately rounded, apical margin feebly convex, finely (male) or coarsely (female) punctate, venation indistinct. Wings absent. Abdomen rather short, in side view with dorsal margin strongly decurved caudad, tergites transversely striate in male, coarsely punctate in female.
Male, black, polished, legs light reddish brown; female dull yellowish-grey, dark fuscous; frons apically, clypeus laterally, and metepisterna black, or nearly so.
Male length, 2.0 mm. Female length, 2.9 mm.

Original description & illustrations in:
Fennah R. G. 1967. New and little known Fulgoroidea from South Africa (Homoptera). Annals of the Natal Museum 18(3)

Type locality: Drakensberg, KZN, South Africa.

iNat observation:

Key to Afrotropical Caliscelidae in:
Gnezdilov, V. & Bourgoin, T. 2009). First record of the family Caliscelidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from Madagascar, with description of new taxa from the Afrotropical Region and biogeographical notes. Zootaxa, 2020: 1–36. 10.11646/zootaxa.2020.1.1.

Publicado el 17 de marzo de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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