Current butterfly activity in the yard.

During the last two days, the most abundant butterflies in the yard have been: 1) Duskywings (by a long shot) - Juvenal’s, Horace’s, and Sleepy; 2) Falcate Orangetips; and 3) Eastern Tiger Swallowtails.

The Duskywings have been nectaring prolifically on Redbud flowers. I’ve been looking up in the Redbuds in search of Henry’s Elfins. All I see, though, is Duskywings. But, I’ve found at least three Henry’s Elfins down on the ground on the gravel driveway.

Publicado el 14 de abril de 2024 por rossberryhill rossberryhill


Good thinking to document this

Publicado por danlego hace 5 meses

Thanks, @danlego . The interactions between plants, insects, and phenology seem fascinating…

Publicado por rossberryhill hace 5 meses

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