BIOL 106-01 Field Trip to Muir Woods National Monument

On this day I drove up to north bay and into Mill Valley to visit Muir Woods. The temperature was perfect. The skies were clear and it was very sunny out. I have wanted to visit Muir Woods many times over the past couple of years and was never able to make it happen so this was the perfect opportunity! Initially, I was worried that I was not going to be able to find enough species for this project because I was half expecting there to be pretty low biodiversity. However, when I arrived, I was very shocked by the immense amount of biodiversity in the forest. This is easily the most biodiverse place that I have had to visit for this class. What I was not expecting, however, was the number of people in the park. I visited Muir Woods on a Tuesday afternoon and I was hoping that the park was going to be relatively empty. Oh boy was I wrong! Although the park was not overly crowded, there were still tour busses full of people visiting the park. With that being said, I think most people were there to stay on the paved paths and go over the bridges so, as soon as I got on the trail that I was hiking on (Canopy View Trail) and walked for a couple of minutes, the density of people went way down and I only saw a couple of hikers. The forest felt really peaceful on this day and it was wonderful to get outside and see some cool plants and animals. I saw and heard many different bird species on this hike but was unable to photograph them well enough for them to be identified by the app so I did not include them. Other than the birds I saw so many different plants and the wildflowers are in bloom so I got to take photos of many incredible flowers!

Publicado el 04 de mayo de 2024 por ldiversityab9503 ldiversityab9503


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Trébol Amargo (Oxalis oregana)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:46 PM PDT


These clovers covered almost all of the forest floor, creating very densely populated cover low to the ground. Although these clovers were incredibly common, this was one of my favorite species that I observed due to the beautiful effect that they gave to the forrest floor

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Helecho de Espada Occidental (Polystichum munitum)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:46 PM PDT


This fern was found scattered in various locations on the forest floor. This was likely the most common fern and it had a pinnately compound leaf arrangement with long linear leaves.

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:47 PM PDT


I found this species in a few different places along my hike. Although it was on of the more common plants flowering on this day, their striking inflorescences stood out to me. This species had very long broad cuneate-like leaves. The leaves themselves were almost shiny or waxy in appearance. The flowers seemed to be almost papilionaceous or tubulate.

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Trillium del Pacífico (Trillium ovatum)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:47 PM PDT


This species appeared to grow fairly low to the ground. In every instance that I encountered this plant it appeared to have the same arrangement with three large, broad deltoid leaves and sometimes a flower bud protruding from its center.

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Musgos Y Parientes (Filo Bryophyta)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:49 PM PDT


I am captivated by mosses so when I saw this fuzzy moss growing on almost absolutely everything I had to stop to take a closer look. This moss appeared to be super common and it proliferated almost every woody surface on the forest floor

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:49 PM PDT


This species appeared to be fairly common in this area. It had long broad leaves arranged in an alternate pinnately compound structure with long parallel venation extending the length of the leaf. The leaves appeared to have entire leaf margins and inflorescences with very small white or light yellow flowers at the ends

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:50 PM PDT


I found this species in a few different places along my hike. Although it was on of the more common plants flowering on this day, their striking inflorescences stood out to me. This species had very long broad cuneate-like leaves. The leaves themselves were almost shiny or waxy in appearance. The flowers seemed to be almost papilionaceous or tubulate.

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:51 PM PDT


These small pinkish flowers were found along the forrest floor. Fairly small and nestled among the clovers, these flowers stood our to me as being very radially symmetric. These plants had very broad leaves that were very large in comparison to its flower.

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Trébol Amargo (Oxalis oregana)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:52 PM PDT


I found these pretty purple flowers in a few different places along my hike. They were mostly found buried along the clovers and fairly low to the ground. These flowers appeared to be very radially symmetric.

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Mariposas Blancas (Género Pieris)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:54 PM PDT


I found three of four of these beautiful white butterflies while on my hike. They appeared to be thoroughly enjoying the large number of wildflowers blooming throughout the forest.

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:55 PM PDT


This was one of the two different types of ferns that I found on my hike. This fern appeared to be slightly less common than its linearly-leaved counter part. This fern had pinnately lobed leaves that started fairly broad and appeared to taper at the ends

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Berro Amargo Californiano (Cardamine californica)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:57 PM PDT


This plant had almost palmate like leaves with very delicate white flowers. These flowers were very radially symmetric with ovicular or elliptical petals and very rounded, entire petal margins

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:57 PM PDT


This flower has a really cool shape. It did not seem to be quite as common as some of the other species in the area which made finding it all the more special. Due to its shape, I assume that this is some sort of iris or lily. Also in this photo is a flower bud belonging to the same plant

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Líquenes de Barba (Género Usnea)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:58 PM PDT


This hairy moss was very cool! It was pretty common although not quite as common as some of the other mosses in the area. This moss was found covering a stick laying on the forrest floor, making the stick appear almost hairy or furry.

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Secuoya Roja (Sequoia sempervirens)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 12:59 PM PDT


These redwoods were found all over the park. They were pretty densely populated and a large majority of them had a thick brush of saplings sprouting at their base

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:01 PM PDT


This flowering tall grass stood out a lot in this redwood forrest. I did not see very many of these and this seemed to be one of the only grasses present in the park. At the time that I was there, this grass had small white flowers.

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Roble Venenoso del Pacífico (Toxicodendron diversilobum)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:01 PM PDT


This plant was found next to the path. This plant appears to have crenate or lobate leaf margins with a dark red/purple stem. It looked a bit like poison oak so I made sure not to tough it

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:02 PM PDT


This plant was found fairly small although it possibly looks like a sapling. This plant had dark green, waxy, serrated leaves. The leaf texture felt very thick and tough.

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Líquenes (Clase Lecanoromycetes)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:03 PM PDT


This lichen was found covering a stick on the forest floor. I was able to find this species of lichen in many different places throughout the redwood forest and it appeared to be very common. I also found this species on rock and tree trunks.

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:04 PM PDT


This very small yellow flower was found sprouting along the path. It was very small and were it not for its bright color, it would have been very easy to miss. This plant's leaves were very round and almost orbicular in shape.

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Berro Amargo Californiano (Cardamine californica)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:09 PM PDT


This plant had almost palmate like leaves with very delicate white flowers. These flowers were very radially symmetric with ovicular or elliptical petals and very rounded, entire petal margins

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:09 PM PDT


These dark blueish-purple flowers were found scattered in a few different places along the forest floor. This plant had a long stem with the flowers sitting at the end which made it slightly difficult to photograph but I managed to get this photo in the end.

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:12 PM PDT


These small baby blue flowers appeared to grow in clusters. These flowers were spherically symmetric and seemed to grow in a very flat or planar manner with not much curvature or depth to its petals.

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:13 PM PDT


These vine-like plants were found in multiple different location of the park. These leaves appeared to be very soft and large, with lobed or palmate shape. Its white flowers were pretty unique and had an almost stellate shape.

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Vida (Vida)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:23 PM PDT


I only found these small white splotches on this tree. I am unsure if this is a lichen or a fungus or something else completely. Due to the fact that I only found these on this tree, I think it is also possible that it could be some sort of disease or even evidence of a parasite on this tree. Although I think it is more likely to be a lichen, it was very odd that I could not find this growing on other trees in the area

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Caca de Luna (Reticularia lycoperdon)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:26 PM PDT


This fungus was found inside of a fallen tree trunk. This fungus would have been easy to miss as it was located in a dark cavity of the decaying trunk.

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:28 PM PDT


These horsetails were very very common and in areas where they grew, they were so dense that they almost dominated the forrest floor. These plants had very harsh nodes along its stem, reminding me slightly of bamboo. Leaves grew in a whorled arrangement on the stem

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:30 PM PDT


With small serrated leaves and and long prickly stems, it makes me wonder why this plant needed to create prickles. Are they particularly yummy to mammals or insects? Is this a way to deter being stepped on or crushed? A combination of both?

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Salivazos Y Parientes (Superfamilia Cercopoidea)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:31 PM PDT


This image was incredibly difficult to take and I struggled a lot trying to get the photo in focus. I was attempting to photograph the white foam and frothy bubbles sitting at the top of this plant. My guess is that this is done by some sort of insect. Perhaps a spittlebug?? This plant was found near Redwood Creek in Muir Woods

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Cola de Pavo (Trametes versicolor)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:36 PM PDT


Fungi! At the time of my hike, the redwood forrest was cool and the ground was moist so I spent a lot of my time looking for fungi. This is the coolest one that I found. This fungus appeared to have a circular, ringed pattern on its surface, reminding me of oysters and other bivalves

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Moscas de Las Flores (Familia Syrphidae)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:42 PM PDT


These small bees were buzzing all over the place in the sunnier areas of the park. They were most definitely taking advantage of the early spring bloom! Photographing these bees was a challenge but this was one of the better photos that I managed to take

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Secuoya Roja (Sequoia sempervirens)


Abril 30, 2024 a las 01:53 PM PDT


I only saw this nest once on my hike. It was located pretty high up on a redwood so I could not get a closer look. I am not entirely sure what this is but I think it could possibly some type or arboreal termite nest?? This nest was incredibly large and spanned almost the entire circumference of this redwood

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Abril 30, 2024 a las 02:06 PM PDT


These inflorescences were super common along the roads and open spaces of the park. As I moved into the forrest with more densely populated redwoods, I saw less on these plants. Each plant seemed to have only one relatively large inflorescence at its top. To me, this gave these plants the appearance of wearing a crown.


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