Floras and Resources

Hi everyone,

Here are some links on where to get floras in the region that some might find useful.

Utah Flora can be purchased from BYU here: https://lsm.byu.edu/. Go to the bottom of the page under helpful links and click books for sale.

If you got some money to burn or looking for a well illustrated set that covers the Intermountain region, try The Intermountain Flora: https://nybgshop.org/nybg-press/books-in-series/intermountain-flora/ . Looks like some volumes are currently not being printed ( volumes 2b, 4, 6, 7) but hopefully will be again soon.

If you are a researcher visiting Utah State University using USU wifi you can download the Vascular Plants of Northern Utah here: https://mountainscholar.org/items/b67fad68-737c-4542-a0be-9e0b70e630ee.

Grasses can be a pain, luckily, Mary Barkworth included images in Flora of North America! an online version can be found here: http://floranorthamerica.org/Poaceae

If you are new to taxonomy and learning how to key things out you might want to pick up a terminology guide. A free one can be found here: http://conservationresearchinstitute.org/forms/CRI-FLORA-Glossary.pdf

Comments are open for others to post other great resources!

Publicado el 14 de junio de 2024 por mugiwara_kris mugiwara_kris


Thanks Kris -- this is very helpful!!

Publicado por crothfels hace 3 meses

I got all volumes of IMF, but missing the very last one, where the family key was published. Can't find it anymore.

Publicado por zharkikh hace 3 meses

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