Monterey Audubon - Redhead nested in Monterey this year

Exciting news - Redhead confirmed breeding in Monterey this year!

The Redhead (Aythya americana) is a distinctive diving duck that nests primarily in the "prairie pothole" region of the Great Plains. They visit much of the rest of the U.S. in migration and in winter. Their breeding range extends well into California, but they are now a rare but regular migrant and winter visitor here in Monterey County.

Don Roberson noted in "Monterey Birds" that the species was formerly more regular in the county and that the species may nest occasionally in the lower Salinas Valley. They have been known to linger into spring and summer locally, especially in the northwestern corner of the county. That was the case this year, where multiple individuals have been reported at Zmudowski SB and vicinity. I must admit, though, I was still quite surprised to see reports of a female with downy young in the area. It's always exciting to see breeding species successful on the edges of their ranges, especially after an absence.

Here's a recent eBird report from Steve Tucker:

Redhead range map from Cornell's All About Birds:

  • Bill
Publicado el 03 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick


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