2023 Sequencing Results

For those interesting in what was successfully sequenced last year, you can view them here.

Publicado el 26 de julio de 2024 por ksanderson ksanderson


Just what the doctor ordered. Thank you for assembling these in one place, terrific.

Publicado por rosemarycurley hace alrededor de 2 meses

September 9 2024, I added "Bolete" as a filter. I didn't see Brown Birch Bolete and/or Larch Bolete. I am correct that neither has been sequenced yet?

Publicado por hardywoods hace 7 días

This is a broad link to the Boletes and Allies: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=9116&view=species&taxon_id=48427&field:DNA%20Barcode%20ITS=

It does not appear that either of those have been sequenced yet, bolete's have a higher fail rate, so could be they failed earlier sequencing.

Publicado por ksanderson hace 6 días

I had a coppery pax identified, submitted as a brown roll rim.

Publicado por rosemarycurley hace 6 días

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