Oiseaux rares récemment observés en Algérie [Rare birds recently watched in Algeria]

@HADDAD, K., AFOUTNI, L. 2020. Oiseaux rares récemment observés en Algérie [Rare birds recently watched in Algeria]. 4399, Alauda, volume 88 (4): 307-310.


Rare birds recently watched in Algeria. Rare birds in Algeria in 2019. This report by the environmental association ÉcoCirta covers the year 2019, where 9 species of rare birds were photographed in Algeria. Among all these species, a mega-observation in the south of the country is the first report for Algeria and North Africa of the Jacobin Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus. A Nordic and East Asian bird, the Rustic bunting Emberiza rustica, a Western Reef Heron Egretta gularis and three individuals of Eurasian Penduline-tit Remiz pendulinus have been observed in the northeast of the country, a Rüppell's Warbler Sylvia ruppeli, the other of Moltoni’s Sylvia subalpina in the south-east of the country. In addition, three species of raptor have been observed, the Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax in the center-est, Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina and the Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga in the northeast of the country.

Publicado el 26 de julio de 2024 por karimhaddad karimhaddad


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