A Huge Thank You!

Hello everyone!

We're thrilled about the results of our first-ever Bioblitz in the South Santiam Watershed Basin!! Thanks to your hard work and dedication, we recorded 252 observations of 186 different species! 🎉

We all have an eye for something different in nature, and it was so neat to see that play out in our basin. I saw more types of galls this week than I ever have before, and learned a lot about what birds are in the area. Whether you were out in the field or identifying species from home, every contribution has been greatly appreciated!

Here are some highlights:

  • 252 total observations
  • 186 unique species
  • 6 total observers
  • @jeffharding leading most species found (56)
  • @chyroptera leading most observations (102)

We couldn't have done this without each one of you!!

We're excited to organize more Bioblitzes in the future- if you're a fungi nerd, keep your eyes peeled for our Autumn Bioblitz 🍂.

Thank you once again for your time, effort, and passion. We look forward to seeing more of your observations out and about!

Publicado el 30 de julio de 2024 por marieheub marieheub


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