Webinar: How Your iNaturalist Data Makes a Difference for Biodiversity

Why do your iNaturalist observations matter, where do they go, and what impact do they have? Join us for a webinar to learn how your contributions are part of the world's most important source of biodiversity data.

Join us live on Thursday, August 29, at 9 am Pacific Time (click to see in your own time zone).

You'll learn about the impact of iNaturalist's data and how iNaturalist has grown thanks to the collective efforts of our community. We'll also share tips for making quality observations, how you can help with identifications, and how you can maximize your impact through data sharing.

If you can't make it, the webinar will be recorded so please register to receive a recording.

Watch the Recording

Hosted by Michelle Vryn (our new Head of Development), you'll hear from Scott Loarie (Executive Director) and Carrie Seltzer (Head of Engagement).

Publicado el 20 de agosto de 2024 por carrieseltzer carrieseltzer


Will there be a transcript, or a journal post? I prefer reading to listening.

Publicado por dianastuder hace alrededor de 1 mes

I'm hoping for a transcript too.

Publicado por f_s hace alrededor de 1 mes

Cool! Yes, please do (if you can) make a transcript available. I'd love to catch the webinar, but don't know if I'll be able to.

Publicado por weecorbie hace alrededor de 1 mes

What are the impacts?

Publicado por appleman888 hace alrededor de 1 mes

Looking forward to this. Going to have a group from my office attend with me.

Publicado por aggie_wildlifer hace alrededor de 1 mes

Thanks for your interest, everyone! We'll make a transcript available afterwards as well as a recording.

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace alrededor de 1 mes

I hope I'll be able to make it, 'cause this sounds like it's going to be very amazing! I have been keeping tabs on inaturalist's journal posts and this one I'm particularly excited about! I'm definitely gonna mark the date of this webinar on my to-do list!

Publicado por nature-tracker hace alrededor de 1 mes

MS Teams has automatic transcript

Publicado por ahospers hace alrededor de 1 mes

I post primarily in the USA, but on the 29th I'll be in Canada. I put USA on my country, will I have problems the Zoom connection I expect you will be sending me? Should I reregister and put Canada instead?

Publicado por mfeaver hace 24 días

Missed the webinar ...
Looking for a link to ¿youtube?
We don't want anotherbluddy "app"

Publicado por kellso hace 23 días

Let us know where we can catch the link! I couldn't attend and I can't register after the fact! Thanks so much!

Publicado por naba-centralky hace 23 días

Would love to get a copy of the recording. sorry I missed it and cannot sign up now. Alice Cason

Publicado por alicecason hace 23 días


here are some rough timecodes for different topics covered in the video (can also be added to the YouTube video description to add chapters to the video):

0:00 Overview of webinar
2:30 Poll: How do iNaturalist users describe themselves?
4:15 Panel introductions
5:15 Overview of data in iNaturalist (Scott Loarie)
8:50 iNaturalist's unique contribution to GBIF
11:30 How scientists use iNat data from GBIF
16:15 Plea to share info from the webinar and beginning of Q&A
17:30 Q: Are all observations useful?
19:15 Q: Is there any way to know which observations are used in papers?
20:15 Poll: Who do users typically iNat with?
22:50 How to level up your impact in iNaturalist (Carrie Seltzer)
24:20 Making impactful observations
27:15 Filling a gap on the map
29:05 Finding less commonly observed species
33:00 Best practices for identifying
35:10 Building expertise
37:30 Open licensing
43:10 Poll: How will you level up your impact in iNaturalist?
44:45 More Q&A
45:10 Q: How can someone improve their photos taken on an Android device?
46:40 Q: Can you clarify the difference between Seek and iNaturalist?
48:10 Q: Do I have to share my observation for it to be helpful?
49:30 Q: What can be done to get identifications on observations that have been needs ID for a while?
52:35 Q: Does an observation need to be Research Grade to be valuable to science?
54:45 Q: Do you have any training or motivation tips for iNaturalist evangelists?
56:30 Q: Can the public use iNaturalist branding and logos to spread the word?
58:00 Wrap up

Publicado por pisum hace 23 días

Just a heads-up, we removed the video @pisum linked to and added https://youtu.be/LGgOeRJIYCs?si=r5XgIqdlN7FcLxxv

It has some of the initial housekeeping removed, and I added chapters to the timeline.

Publicado por tiwane hace 23 días

And slides from the presentation are available here. They are licensed CC-BY.

Publicado por tiwane hace 23 días

I've updated the links to link to the recording instead of registration. I'll follow up here again once the transcript is ready (hopefully on Friday). Thanks, everyone!

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace 23 días

Where will the transcript be posted?

Publicado por oksanaetal hace 22 días

Slide 5. One hour = 5K obs and 12K IDs.
How many of those obs to RG?

How many IDs do we need to average per obs? About 2.5 ?
5 and 12 'sounds' perfect, but - many agreements vs. what is THIS one?

Publicado por dianastuder hace 22 días

great, good tips - what to do, when even iNaturalist is not giving you a correct-probable ID for your bug? Is there a way to dive into ONE-BEST-PHOTO of all family representatives - so one can at least try to get an idea of probable ID?

Publicado por rdesch hace 21 días

ok, sorry, I just found a way

Publicado por rdesch hace 21 días

For those of you who wanted a transcript, you can access it as a pdf.

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace 17 días

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