Diario del proyecto Boulder County Wildlife

Archivos de diario de marzo 2018

20 de marzo de 2018

Help Boulder win the 2018 City Nature Challenge!

Help us show the world how biodiverse Boulder County is by making as many observations of as many species as possible from April 27-30, 2018! Document nature in your backyard, by your school, in your favorite park or open space area, and upload your observations to the Boulder City Nature Challenge project on iNaturalist. Any observations of plants, animals, and fungus found throughout the County will count.

Over 65 cities from around the world are asking people to explore nature in their urban areas and document the species they observe. Last year, 126,000 observations were recorded. Not only will your observations help build up the baseline of Boulder County biodiversity, but it will provide local land managers with the data they need to protect these wild species.

Join the project and get ready to upload observations during the April 27-30 bioblitz! Prizes will be awarded to the individuals that have the highest number of observations, as well as the most species documented.

The Wild Boulder team will also host a free kick-off event on Friday, April 27th from 4:00-7:00pm at Foothills Community Park. Join us for guided hikes and programs for all ages, live music, iNaturalist demos, food trucks, face painting, arts and crafts, prize giveaways, and more! Learn more here

Publicado el 20 de marzo de 2018 por melanie_hill melanie_hill | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario