Diario del proyecto EwA Biodiversity Projects

Archivos de diario de abril 2020

08 de abril de 2020

EwA CNC Events This Year

🆕 While past events have been friendly competitions among cities, in response to shifting public health recommendations related to COVID-19, this year’s City Nature Challenge will instead be a celebration of nature in our backyards and neighborhoods. Participants are encouraged to embrace the collaborative aspect of sharing observations online with a digital community, and celebrate the healing power of nature safely, with social distancing, as they document their local biodiversity within new public safety parameters. For detailed information about how the City Nature Challenge is adapting to COVID-19, visit citynaturechallenge.org/COVID19.

Respecting these recommendations we have canceled all our field events. But we are running webinars to help our communities master iNaturalist and hear what to expect to find at this time of the year at their locations.

💻 EwA iNat Deep-Dive Webinar (Fri, Apr 17) »

iNat in Location (How-to): Virtual Lunch Meetups

ℹ️ Read more » https://www.earthwiseaware.org/2020-city-nature-challenge/

Publicado el 08 de abril de 2020 por akilee akilee | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario