Diario del proyecto Maryland Biodiversity Project

Archivos de diario de octubre 2021

15 de octubre de 2021

Updates from Turkey Point Morning Flight Count – 10/05/2021

Observations from counter Daniel Irons - View updates on MBP's Special Projects' blog webiste!

A good cold front moved through our area on September 28th making for strong, diverse flights the following few days.

Northern Flicker © Daniel Irons

The 29th gave us our first real taste of late fall warblers with the first push of Yellow-rumped warblers, 78 were counted that morning.

Yellow-rumped Warbler © Daniel Irons

There was also a noticeable increase in Blackpoll Warblers with 106 counted. While Blackpolls continue to move in numbers throughout October, their peak flight window in MD is Late September and early October. The peak count so far at Turkey Point occurred on September 30th with 110 counted. The season total is currently 1,122.

Blackpoll Warbler © Daniel Irons

The 29th also brought peak flights of Tennessee and Nashville Warblers. 27 Tennessees were counted, the season total for this species is now at 168.

Tennessee Warbler © Daniel Irons

10 Nashville Warblers were also tallied on the 29th, the season total is now 50.

Nashville Warbler © Daniel Irons

Black-throated Green Warblers peaked the following day with 17 tallied on the 30th.

Black-throated Green © Daniel Irons

This Western Kingbird was another highlight from the 29th. While an annual stray to the east, they are quite rare away from the immediate coast.

Western Kingbird © Daniel Irons

Good numbers of woodpeckers are now passing over Turkey Point on a daily basis. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers are steadily moving south into our area, the first arrived on September 20th and the peak count so far this season was 9 on October 1st.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker © Daniel Irons

Blue Jays are on the move this time of year as well with big flocks circling over Turkey Point on an almost daily basis. The peak Blue Jay flight so far this season was 397 counted on September 25th.

Blue Jay © Daniel Irons

Hawk migration has really picked up at Turkey Point over the last couple weeks with the cooler temps and some northerly winds. On September 30th 106 Sharp-shinned Hawks were counted flying south over the point.

Sharp-shinned Hawk © Daniel Irons

On the 30th we also saw the season's peak flight of Broad-winged Hawks with 101 counted throughout the morning.

Broad-winged Hawk © Daniel Irons

A variety of other raptors are moving through too as we approach the peak season for raptor migration. Good numbers of American Kestrels, Merlins, Peregrine Falcons and Northern Harriers are streaming past.

Northern Harrier © Daniel Irons

Lately we’ve been stuck in a couple weeks of dull weather with no significant cold fronts. However, it hasn’t been all bad since we had some interesting flights and cool weather-related birds from the point including a flock of 33 American Golden Plovers on October 9th. This Sunday the tables should turn with the big cold front forecasted to blast through Saturday. Sunday morning should be a good one, can’t wait!

Thanks for reading!


Visit MBP's Turkey Point Bird Count project page for more information and view updates on MBP's Special Projects' blog website.

Publicado el 15 de octubre de 2021 por jacquelinepalacios jacquelinepalacios | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario