Taxonomic Swap 12212 (Guardado el 29/07/2015)

Preferred name, as recognised by the New Zealand Plant Authority (Landcare Research)
Ngā Tipu Aotearoa – New Zealand Plants

A taxonomic conspectus of Phrymaceae:... (Referencia)
Añadido por rowan_hindmarsh_walls el 29 de julio de 2015 | Comprometido por rowan_hindmarsh_walls el 29 de julio de 2015
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i thought we were holding off on changing the Mimulus, please do not do this yet! Taxonomy of iNat plants is supposed to follow Jepson manual for plants that occur in California.

Publicado por charlie hace alrededor de 9 años

Common name changes with the scientific?

Publicado por cedric_lee hace alrededor de 9 años

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