Taxonomic Swap 126406 (Guardado el 21/02/2024)

POWO (Referencia) | Asperula POWO
Añadido por nschwab el 30 de mayo de 2023 | Comprometido por nschwab el 21 de febrero de 2024
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will this be done for all new combinations af Cynanchica?

Publicado por ljazz hace 7 meses

Yes, indeed. A flag was opened almost one year ago, and nobody opposed.

Publicado por nschwab hace 7 meses

Oh I see it, it is happening, other species are coming now.
I did not see this is happening right now; and I thought only Asperula aristata was changed.

I am not oposed (I agree), I just thought a change was happening inconsistently.

Publicado por ljazz hace 7 meses

Okay, no problem! It was just the time to go through all species and see if there was any mistake.

Publicado por nschwab hace 7 meses

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