Taxonomic Merge 62569 (Guardado el 13/09/2019)

H. leucomela and H. leucomelos are orthographic variants. IF and the appendices to the Botanical Code say that H. leucomelos is the correct spelling:, Leucodermia leucomelos is an obligate synonym of H. leucomelos, so there should be only one record. Esslinger does not yet accept the genus Leucodermia (split on anatomical/morphological lines only, as far as the authors stated), and neither do some other authorities:, For the time being, it seems prudent to let the species lie in Heterodermia until further information regarding the division of the genus is available.

Añadido por jameskm el 13 de septiembre de 2019 | Comprometido por jameskm el 13 de septiembre de 2019
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I would address the entire genus as there are other proposed Leucodermias besides L. leucomelos

Publicado por tcurtis hace alrededor de 5 años

L. appalachensis was moved back to H. appalachensis, and most of the others haven't been added to iNaturalist yet. The one remaining is Leucodermia guzmaniana, and unfortunately nothing can be done for that one, since it was erected in the new genus and has no other synonyms. Perhaps it could be moved to be a child of Heterodermia, and Leucodermia made a synonym of Heterodermia, but I don't particularly want to be the person to make that decision myself.

Publicado por jameskm hace alrededor de 5 años

Well I would imagine the genus will eventually be accepted

Publicado por tcurtis hace alrededor de 5 años

I think that is likely too. But not much evidence has been provided for its establishment yet, and as things stand I think it is sitting in the middle of Heterodermia with "unnamed" clades surrounding it, based on the Korean phylogeny.

Publicado por jameskm hace alrededor de 5 años

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