Taxonomic Swap 70073 (Guardado el 05/06/2021)

Buckeye taxonomy in the Pelham catalogue rearranged based largely on this paper: Lalonde et al. (2018) Syst. Entomol. 44(3): 465-489

Añadido por nlblock el 26 de enero de 2020 | Comprometido por aleturkmen el 05 de junio de 2021
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I didn't get to the Junonia coenia split - and since its going to be so disruptive and will take time I rolled back this change. Lets stick with Junonia coenia sensu lato for now and split off Junonia grisea all at once ASAP

Publicado por loarie hace más de 4 años

With the split now committed, will it be possible to edit 'Common Buckeye' records in a regional manner in order to convert in batches where the burden of proof should be on that taxon rather than the expected Gray Buckeye?

Publicado por snapdragyn hace más de 3 años

The split actually has not been committed yet: When it does get committed, the current Common Buckeye IDs will revert to Junonia where the atlases of grisea and coenia overlap. Where the atlases do not overlap, the new species ID will match whichever of the two species is found in the relevant state (e.g., all CA "Common Buckeyes" will be switched to Gray Buckeye). At least, that's how I understand it.

@aleturkmen, please make sure to include the relevant splits when you're making these taxon swaps. For example, when you created Spicauda and moved procne and the other taxa into it, I think you should have split Urbanus as part of that procedure. Otherwise, observations identified at the genus level get left there when they might no longer be correct. I added the split retroactively the other day.

@loarie, do you think it's okay to commit the big J. coenia split?

Publicado por nlblock hace más de 3 años

can you make the draft changes and mention me so I can take a look before you commit?

Publicado por loarie hace más de 3 años

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