Taxonomic Swap 86277 (Guardado el 14/12/2020)

Añadido por kharkovbut el 12 de diciembre de 2020 | Comprometido por kharkovbut el 14 de diciembre de 2020
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Reasons for this change:

The taxon provincialis is not accepted as a species by most of the recent authorities, eg., the European checklist by Wiemers etal (2018), etc. The only place I am aware of where this taxon has the species level is the Italian checklist by Balletto etal (2014). I am not aware of any justification of the species status of this taxon.

As a result, there is mess here: some observations (of clearly the same taxon) are listed under provincialis, some -- under aurinia. We need to treat this somehow.

If you object, please comment here. In such a case, it would be useful to provide a justification of the specific status: eg., molecular evidence, etc.

@chrisvanswaay @leo_dapporto @sindic @roberto_sindaco @leibele @heinerziegler

Publicado por kharkovbut hace casi 4 años

I agree with this.

Publicado por chrisvanswaay hace casi 4 años

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