Taxonomic Merge 83491 (Guardado el 13/06/2022)

Añadido por jameskm el 05 de octubre de 2020 | Comprometido por pulk el 13 de junio de 2022
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@cooperj, has this been accepted at this point?

Publicado por jameskm hace casi 4 años

I've not come across any discussion. However, there are quite a number of entries in that recent classification that I think require more elaboration. I am not convinced this particular family-level equivalence is fully supported by the data. It certainly isn't in the case of Clavulinaceae = Cantharellaceae/Hydnaceae from the data I have analyzed. Note their analysis did not include any species of Clavulina. Ditto a number of other assertions in the paper.

Publicado por cooperj hace casi 4 años

These seem to date back to something in a book I haven't been able to access this weekend:

Publicado por jameskm hace casi 4 años

I'd not seen that.
Nevertheless I 'd prefer to see a convincing, well-sampled and supported phylogeny with the family-level clades.

Publicado por cooperj hace casi 4 años

Yeah, everything I am finding is really just a one-gene phylogeny with fine support, but more would be better. I see that accepts Cantharellus in Hydnaceae, but I don't imagine it is based on much more than I have seen.

Publicado por jameskm hace casi 4 años

Relatively few genera in the order but substantial unsampled diversity and not much coordination in the analysis. For what it's worth I pulled together a multi-gene set on the little available data and put it against this record ...
Hydnaceae/Cantharellaceae remains unresolved in my view, but I guess the entire clade including Clavulinaceae could be lumped under Hydnaceae. It just doesn't 'feel right'. But happy to go with flow.

Publicado por cooperj hace casi 4 años
Publicado por pulk hace más de 2 años

How is the Order named? I thought they were based on first described species?

Publicado por reiner hace más de 2 años

An order is named after a genus contained in it. Priority doesn't apply above the rank of family, so any "available for use" order-ranked name based on an included genus can be used. Everyone calls this order the Cantharellales.

Publicado por pulk hace más de 2 años

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