Atención: Algunas o todas las identificaciones afectadas por esta división puede haber sido reemplazada por identificaciones de Galerida. Esto ocurre cuando no podemos asignar automáticamente una identificación a uno de los taxones de salida. Revisar identificaciones de Galerida cristata 7356

Taxonomic Split 26492 (Guardado el 12/12/2017)

Crested Lark Galerida cristata has been split into Crested Lark (G. cristata) and Maghreb Lark (G. macrorhyncha); please check your records from Morocco and Algeria carefully to make sure they're assigned to the correct species, if possible.

The eBird/Clements checklist of birds... (Referencia)
Añadido por maxkirsch el 20 de noviembre de 2017 | Comprometido por maxkirsch el 12 de diciembre de 2017
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thanks for starting this maxkirsch would be good to commit - anything I can do to help?

Publicado por loarie hace casi 7 años

I was holding off on this split until I could figure out how exactly to atlas the two species in Morocco and Algeria, but ended up sort of forgetting about it - sorry about that. Unfortunately, looking at eBird records of Crested, Maghreb, and Crested/Maghreb from before 2016 (i.e. mostly records reassigned in the split), it looks like there's widespread overlap between the two species (at least seasonally), so it's probably safest to just add all of Morocco and northern Algeria to the Crested Lark atlas (including areas of overlap with the Maghreb Lark atlas) and let people manually re-assign their records from those areas - which is what I'll do now.

After this split is committed, all of the species names in Clements should be in iNat (although it might be good to double-check in case I missed any splits), but there are still several names representing outdated taxon concepts (i.e. when a species was split in Clements, but instead of committing a taxon split on iNat, the newly split-off species were just added to iNat alongside the old species); I might not be able to get many of those fixed between now and Thursday, but I'll be completely free after then.

Publicado por maxkirsch hace casi 7 años

cool - I noticed that. We have a new feature called 'complete taxa' where taxa can be marked as complete (in this case from Class Aves down to species) for extant taxa and no one else can edit the tree except 'taxon curators' - would you like to be a 'taxon curator' for this clade for the time being?

Publicado por loarie hace casi 7 años

Sure - thanks!

Publicado por maxkirsch hace casi 7 años

cool - check the 'total species observed' stat, taxonomy and trends tab here
Remember its ignoring extinct taxa and ssp but should otherwise should be in sync with Clements-Checklist-v2017-August-2017 so beyond this split I don't think there's more work to do until Clements updates

Publicado por loarie hace casi 7 años

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