Taxonomic Swap 115959 (Guardado el 24/10/2022)

Añadido por nschwab el 24 de octubre de 2022 | Comprometido por nschwab el 24 de octubre de 2022
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Another species place it in genus Kusaghiporia.

Publicado por nschwab hace casi 2 años

you mean another paper/other authors? as in this/these one(s)?

I was about to try and figure out where L. persicinus stopped and Kusaghiporia began, simply on the basis of how similar things going by the name L. persicinus appear to collections of K. talpae I've observed in the Neotropics. The K. talpae fruitings in question were ones I was personally led to by Paraguay's sole mycologist, the lovely Dr. Michelle Campi Gaona (and the equally lovely Dr. Emmanuel Grassi) who is an author on the genus Berkcurtia, the comb. novae of B. persicina and K. talpae, and the paper in which all three nomenclatural contributions were made. At the risk of opening myself up to further accusations of appeals to authority (as in the Saproamanita "debate"), the Campi et al 2022 paper has among its coauthors both of South America's preeminent polyporologists, Dr. Gerardo Robledo and Dr. Elisandro Ricardo Drechsler-Santos. I haven't compared their work against Paez et al's, mostly because I'm bound to be ill-equipped to do so where molecules are concerned, but there is not a single systematist more steeped in Neotropical polyporology anywhere in Central and South America than these two, and none worldwide save for Ryvarden, who, unsurprisingly, has been a long-term mentor to and co-author with them both.

My admittedly reputation-driven, data-deficient, and therefore possibly useless $0.02.

Publicado por kallampero hace alrededor de 1 año

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