Archivos de diario de febrero 2013

14 de febrero de 2013

Exercise 2: The Tree of Life

For this exercise, I first went to the Berkeley Marina and after not being able to find at least five of the, "iconic taxes," I resorted to exploring the neighborhood.

While at the marina I was able to find

1) Mollusks: The Limpet, which one typically finds on docks, rocks and old wood around the beach. In addition, the rock I photographed had another organism on it, but I wasn't sure which organism it was.

2) Birds: There were lots of birds, mainly gulls and one stork that I saw, however they flew away before I could get a sufficient photograph of the stork and other longer beaked birds. I got a low quality of what I assume to be a standard sea gull.

3) Plants: There were a variety of plants down at the Marina, however I chose to use a moss I found in my neighborhood. This moss was growing on a rock in a shady area, none of the other rocks/trees it was around had it which I found interesting

4) Animals: The animal I chose to use was a worm I found underneath a rock at my apartment, I thought the worm was particularly interesting because it was very dark and had kind of a snake like head. I do not know much about worms so I was not able to really narrow down what kind of worm it was aside from the fact it was a worm.

5) Arachnid: Unfortunately, I really wanted to photograph the spider that lives behind my driver's side view mirror, however, while I see its web, I have never actually seen it. So instead, I was forced to search my apartment for a spider, as I failed to find one on my walks. I found this large legged spider hanging in a corner. I assumed it was a Daddy Long Legs. I began to search through spiders, and got confused as I read something that said these were not a member of the Arachnid family, but in fact under Animalia.

Publicado el 14 de febrero de 2013 por lfel lfel | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
