Archivos de diario de marzo 2013

21 de marzo de 2013

Homework 6

  1. Irregular: black calla. This plant is clearly irregular because the flower is almost like a curled leaf, when you roll it out you do not have radial symmetry. I am not sure if this flower is naturalized, typically they are, but its located in a center median type structure that is overrun with weeds.
  2. Regular: dandelion. A Taraxacum is a regular flowering plant because it exhibits radial symmetry.
  3. Monocot: Bluebell. You can tell the blue bell is a monocot by the parallel veins in its leaves.
  4. Dicot: ivy plant. Not sure what type of ivy this plant is, however you can see it is a dicot because of the branching out of the veins and the multiple cotelydon.
  5. Fabacaea: wisteria sinensis. This plant has pod like seeds, unfortunately it was flowering and not producing these. The flower is evident of its membership in the fabacaea family as you can see in its structure
  6. Gymnosperm: Tree. I think this is in the conifer family of trees, which are gymnosperms. Gymnosperms are nonflowering plants that are seed bearing plants, such as pinecones.
  7. Nonseed Plant: Moss. Mosses are nonvascular, nonseed plants. They reproduce using spores not seeds.
  8. Pinnate Leaves: Fern. Not sure what type of fern this is, however ferns have pinnate leaves because they shoot off the common branch. Some plants in the palm family are pinnate, but these are not so common around Berkeley.
  9. Opposite Leaves: Plant. I have no idea what kind of plant this is. It has white flowers and opposite leaves. The leaves are opposite because they split off in opposite sides from the same point on the branch, in contrast to alternating leaves.
  10. Sunflower Family: Zinnia. The sunflower family is the largest of the plant flamilies. I had hoped to find an actual sunflower, but these zinnias worked. They are cheerful little pom pom like flowers.
Publicado el 21 de marzo de 2013 por lfel lfel | 12 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de marzo de 2013

Spring Observations

There are many signs of spring around Berkeley. Not only are the flowering plants showing signs, but animals are out and about.

First I noticed a large brown/gray spider on my walk to the RSF.

Secondly, you can hardly go a block without seeing Bermuda Buttercups.

Third, dandelions and other "weeds" are flowering.

Publicado el 22 de marzo de 2013 por lfel lfel | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
