Archivos de diario de julio 2022

18 de julio de 2022

Wildpark Leipzig

I still don't know if it's "right" to upload a lot of animals in captivity to iNaturalist but I feel like it might be. Who knows what kind of animal we have to revive next after it went to the brink of extinction. Visiting the Wildpark in summer is genuinly uneventful. Deer and birds alike seek shade and predators like the lynx won't come out all day. Not even the otters felt like swimming. I am not sure what happened to the masses of ducks of all kinds that used to live there, the ponds were completely empty this time around. I still like visiting from time to time to see the small moufflons that, for the small price of a bit of bought feed, like to be petted.

Publicado el 18 de julio de 2022 por samleipzig samleipzig | 19 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
