Tabanus taeniola Palisot de Beauvois, 1806 - Identification

This is probably the most common Tabanus in Southern Africa (and througout the Afrotropics).
The female eye is usually of a dull purplish-greenish colour. In the male eye this colour is replaced in the upper large-facetted portion by a pale greyish ground with a median dusky band. This band varies in width to some extent even in individuals and is occasionally evanescent. Thorax reddish-brown with three clear defined grey stripes. Abdomen reddish-brown dark with three pale longitudinal stripes, the sublateral stripes are broader. The form/variety Tabanus taeniola variatus (widespread from Cape to East Africa) has the median stripe broken up into whitish triangles. Wings clear.

Original description by Palisot de Beauvois, 1806
Cinereo-fuscus, subtus villosus. Thorace lineis 4, abdomine-que 3 griseis notatis. Antennæ apice nigræ. Tibiæ anticè albidæ ; aliæ rufescentes. (Fig. 6)
Somewhat misleading illustration:

Walker's description of Tabanus variatus:

Photo of type:

Form variatus illustrated in Austen:

Typical form illustrated in Austen:

Publicado el 24 de julio de 2023 por traianbertau traianbertau


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