Chrysops laticeps, Austen 1910 - Identification

A stoutly built thickset species, with broad head and sharply defined, narrow, oblique, transverse band on wings.
Head cream-buff pollinose, smoke-grey on vertex. Antenne relatively short. Thorax yellowish-grey pollinose, dorsum in front with two, buff-coloured longitudinal stripes, widely separated and not or scarcely extending beyond transverse suture. Abdomen ochraceous-buff at base, dorsum of second to seventh segments with a brown transverse band, hind borders of these segments yellowish grey pollinose, last three segments and hind borders of third and fourth segments thickly clothed above with ochre-yellow hair. Legs, except middle and hind coxae and tips of tarsi, cinnamon, hind tibiae fringed on outer side with ochre-yellow hair.

Original description by Austen:

Distribution: Known from Kosi Bay (type locality); Ndumu; Ntsengwane area; Lake St Lucia; Eshowe and Malawi.

iNat observation:

Publicado el 25 de julio de 2023 por traianbertau traianbertau


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