Sanazarius cuneatus Distant, 1904

Diagnostic character: Paranota with lateral angles subacutely produced

Original description:
Head and pronotum piceous-brown; elytra with the discoidal and sutural areas pale brownish-ochraceous, the interior areas of the areolets somewhat greyish, subcostal area piceous, costal area greyish with transverse fuscous lines; body beneath piceous, legs fuscous brown; head and pronotum thickly greyishly pilose; pronotum with its disk tricarinate, the lateral angles subacutely produced; elytra with the areolets of the discoidal area somewhat large, their margins distinctly raised, areolets to the sutural area very small; apices of the tarsi piceous.
Length 2.5 mm.

Illustrated in Distant 1904:

Photo TingID:

iNat observations:

Publicado el 11 de enero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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