Peltacanthina (Peltacanthina) pectoralis Loew, 1852

This is the only Peltacanthina described with this wing pattern made up of numerous tiny spots.
Head cinnamon brown, antennae black; Thorax above dark cinnamon brown with numerous, closely spaced dots; this creates apattern of darker spots. Scutellum like the top of the thorax. The abdomen is relatively broad, gently arched, beautiful purple, with grayish pubescens, densely punctured and with very short and delicate hairs, and the metallic shine of the base colour is only visible on the bare portions of the segments.

Original description:
Figure 10 (somewhat misleading):

Description by Hendel 1914, page 381:
Die kurze Behaarung des Thoraxrückens und Schildes ist vorherrschend goldgelb, die der Pleuren dunkelbraun bis schwarz. Der Rücken erscheint durch die in Gruppen zusammenstehenden dunklen Punkte gefleckt, und zwar kann man vor und hinter der Quernaht neben kleineren vier größere Längsflecke, freilich nur undeutlich abgegrenzt, erkennen.
(Friedrich Georg Hendel (1914): Die Arten der Platystominen. (Mit 4 Tafeln) – Abhandlungen des Kaiserlich- und Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien – 8_1: 1 - 410

The short hairs on the back of the thorax and scutellum are predominantly golden yellow, the hairs of the pleura dark brown to black. The back appears patterned with patches due to dark dots in groups, and there are in front and behind the transverse suture four larger longitudinal patches as well as smaller ones, admittedly only vaguely demarcated.

iNat observations:

Publicado el 11 de enero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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