Stomylus bicolor Fåhraeus, 1870

All Stomylus spp are restricted to fungal habitats on old trees and occur mainly in Western and Central Africa, with Stomylus bicolor being the only species of the genus found in South Africa.

S. bicolor: Oval, glabrous, shiny, yellow-testacous. Head ferrugineous; eyes very large; antennae black, the four basal segments and the apical one testaceous. Thorax finely punctuated, thorax and scutellum yellow-testaceous. Elytra deeply punctate-striated, yellow-chested, with two black cross bands.
Length 3.0–4.0 mm.

Original description in:
Fåhraeus (1870) Coleoptera Caffrariae, annis 1838–1845 a J. A. Wahlberg collecta. Heteromera descripsit. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar 27

Illustrated (fig 3) in:
Schwaller, W. (2006) The species of the African genus Stomylus Fåhraeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Diaperinae). Annales Zoologici, 56.

Distribution: South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Congo, Uganda, Ghana.
Type locality: NE South Africa 'Caffraria' (Insects collected by Wahlberg are often labelled Caffraria, but as clarified by Boheman who described many of Wahlberg's Coleoptera, ʻCaffrariaʼ refers to the north-eastern part of South Africa, from approximately 30°25′ to 23°00′S and 32°40′ to 27°00′E (the entire provinces of KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and Gauteng, the eastern half of the Free State, the extreme eastern part of the North-West and only the north-eastern tip of the Eastern Cape Province). This is totally different to the common British use of Kaffraria refering to the eastern half of what is today the Eastern Cape Province.

iNat observation:

Publicado el 19 de enero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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