Moluris semiscabra Solier 1844

A shiny Moluris with large conical tubercles on the elytra, arranged in irregular rows on the sides and the posterior part.

Original description in:
Solier, M. 1844. Essai sur les Collapterides de la tribu des Molurites. Memorie della Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino ser.2:t.6
Translated from Latin & French:
Length 28mm; width 15 mm.
Shiny black, oblong. Elytra not costatae, tuberculate, in the middle anteriorly smooth, the posterior tubercles smaller near the suture.
Similar to the previous one [Moluris globulicollis] by the absence of costae on the elytra, but distinct from it by its more elongated shape and by the elyra covered, on the sides and posteriorly, with conical tubercles, those near the suture being much smaller. Suture posteriorly slightly raised. Abdomen showing no orbicular spot, in the individual before my eyes.

Rediscription in:
Haag-Rutenberg, G. 1871. Beiträge zur Familie der Tenebrioniden (II. Stück). Coleopterologische Hefte VII: 21–111.

Black, shiny; thorax globular, shiny, sometimes slightly transversely striated; elytra widened, slightly depressed on the back, tuberculate, flattened in the middle; tubercles on the disc forming two indistinct costae, the posterior tubercles smaller near the suture. - Length. 15-23 mm, width. 10-13 mm.
Male: 2nd & 3rd segment maculate.
Pronotum globose, shiny, sometimes showing blurred horizontal lines in some specimens. Elytra strongly dilated, bulbous, somewhat depressed on the disc, covered with rather strong tubercles of unequal size, leaving the anterior two thirds of the suture smooth, becoming a little smaller towards the back; and forming two irregular longitudinal rows on the disc where they are more closely spaced and bigger.
Legs long and strong.
Male: The second segment with a large setal patch, the third one with a small one.

Illustrated in Koch 1955

Publicado el 15 de febrero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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