Ceratitis cosyra (Walker, 1849) - Marula Fruit Fly

Ceratitis cosyra is a pale species with orangish coloured mesonotum, scutellum yellow with three
black separate subquadrate spots apically, wing bands rather faint.

Illustration of wing in:
Bezzi, M. 1924. South African trypaneid Diptera in the collection of the South African Museum. Annals of the South African Museum 19.

Head. Antenna yellow-orange. Third antennal segment twice as long as second segment. Arista with
short hairs over entire length. Frons with short scattered hairs which are distinctly darker than or same
colour as frons; more flattened, not distinctly convex, in lateral view slightly projecting forwards at
antennal implant. Lower eye margin with slightly darker marking. Chaetotaxy normal for subgenus,
bristles dark reddish to black.
Thorax. Postpronotum white, with black spot. Ground colour of mesonotum pale with orange tinge;
mesonotal pattern variable especially spots at mesal end of suture and prescutellar spots variable in
size and colouration, anterior supra-alar spots usually continuous. Chaetotaxy normal for subgenus.
Scapular setae pale. One anepisternal bristle. Scutellum white basally, otherwise yellow with three
black separate markings apically; basally usually with two separate dark spots, sometimes spots not
outspoken, and only present as slightly brown patches. Subscutellum pale with three dark separate
spots except along dorsal margin where touching.
Legs yellow; setation typical for subgenus, mainly pale especially on femora. Posterior and
posterodorsal rows on fore femur pale. Ventral spines on fore femur yellowish or black.
Wing bands with markings extensively yellow; banding sometimes faint. Banding, marginal band
continuous; cubital band free; medial band absent; crossvein r-m before middle of discal cell.
Crossvein dm-cu position variable.
Abdomen. Pale yellow or more brownish. Setation and banding typical for subgenus.

As male except for the following characters: Oviscape shorter than abdominal terga 3-6 combined.

Original description in:
Walker, F. 1849. List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part IV. British Museum (Natural History), London.

Wild host plant in South Africa:
Sclerocarya birrea - Marula (main host)
Annona senegalensis - Wild custard-apple
Warburgia salutaris - Pepper-bark tree
Parinari curatellifolia Mobola-plum
Cordyla africana - Sunbird tree
Dovyalis caffra - Kei-apple

Distribution in Southern Africa largely co-inciding with the distribution of host plant Sclerocarya birrea.

iNat observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/199334981

Publicado el 15 de febrero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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