Ceratitis (Acropteromma) munroanum (Bezzi 1926)

Body length: 5.80-6.80 mm

Antenna yellow-orange, arista almost completely bare, with a few very short hairs at basal part dorsally. Frons convex, in lateral aspect not projecting at antennal implant; yellow-white; with short scattered hairs about same colour as frons. Two weakly developed pale frontal bristles. Two well-developed but relatively short black orbital bristles. Face yellow-white. Genal bristle long and pale; genal setulae pale, well developed.
Postpronotum white, around bristle slightly yellow, but without distinct spot. Scutum orange with greyish tinge; with streaks and darker markings but no distinct spots or clearly defined stripes. Scapular setae dark. Scutellum yellowish white, basally with yellow spots; apically with three separate black spots, reaching to basal third. Anepisternum yellow-white, lower half darker yellow; one black anepisternal bristle, otherwise pale pilosity. Subscutellum pale.
Legs yellow. Fore femur posteriorly with well-developed orange bush of hairs; ventral bristles orange or darkish. Otherwise with mainly pale pilosity, rarely partially dark.
Wing without banding or basal spots. Apical tip pointed and with distinct black spot. Crossvein r-m at middle of discal cell. Discal cell broad. Crossvein dm-cu posteriorly more inwards than anteriorly.
Abdomen yellow to orange, tergites 2 and 4 greyish, except anterior margin.

Frontal bristles black and well-developed. Genal seta and setulae pale or darkish. Fore femur without distinct orange bush, ventral spines black. Wing, apically not pointed and spot weakly developed. Ovipositor shorter than abdominal tergites.

Type locality: South Africa. Cape: East London


iNat observation:

Publicado el 19 de enero de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


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